
Plugin for creating and exposing flash messages via zend-mvc controllers.

$ composer require zendframework/zend-mvc-plugin-flashmessenger


Install via composer:

$ composer require zendframework/zend-mvc-plugin-flashmessenger

If you are using the zend-component-installer, you're done!

If not, you will need to add the component as a module to your application. Add the entry 'Zend\Mvc\Plugin\FlashMessenger' to your list of modules in your application configuration (typically one of config/application.config.php or config/modules.config.php).


The FlashMessenger is a plugin designed to create and retrieve self-expiring, session-based messages. It exposes a number of methods:

  • setSessionManager(Zend\Session\ManagerInterface $manager) : FlashMessenger: Allows you to specify an alternate session manager, if desired.
  • getSessionManager() : Zend\Session\ManagerInterface: Allows you to retrieve the session manager registered.
  • getContainer() : Zend\Session\Container: Returns the Zend\Session\Container instance in which the flash messages are stored.
  • setNamespace(string $namespace = 'default') : FlashMessenger: Allows you to specify a specific namespace in the container in which to store or from which to retrieve flash messages.
  • getNamespace() : string: retrieves the name of the flash message namespace.
  • addMessage(string $message) : FlashMessenger: Allows you to add a message to the current namespace of the session container.
  • hasMessages() : bool: Lets you determine if there are any flash messages from the current namespace in the session container.
  • getMessages() : array: Retrieves the flash messages from the current namespace of the session container
  • clearMessages() : bool: Clears all flash messages in current namespace of the session container. Returns true if messages were cleared, false if none existed.
  • hasCurrentMessages() : bool: Indicates whether any messages were added during the current request.
  • getCurrentMessages() : array: Retrieves any messages added during the current request.
  • clearCurrentMessages() : bool: Removes any messages added during the current request. Returns true if current messages were cleared, false if none existed.
  • clearMessagesFromContainer() : bool: Clear all messages from the container. Returns true if any messages were cleared, false if none existed.

This plugin also provides four meaningful namespaces, namely: INFO, ERROR, WARNING, and SUCCESS. The following functions are related to these namespaces:

  • addInfoMessage(string $message): FlashMessenger: Add a message to "info" namespace.
  • hasCurrentInfoMessages() : bool: Check to see if messages have been added to "info" namespace within this request.
  • addWarningMessage(string $message) : FlashMessenger: Add a message to "warning" namespace.
  • hasCurrentWarningMessages() : bool: Check to see if messages have been added to "warning" namespace within this request.
  • addErrorMessage(string $message) : FlashMessenger: Add a message to "error" namespace.
  • hasCurrentErrorMessages() : bool: Check to see if messages have been added to "error" namespace within this request.
  • addSuccessMessage(string $message) : FlashMessenger: Add a message to "success" namespace.
  • hasCurrentSuccessMessages() :bool: Check to see if messages have been added to "success" namespace within this request.

Additionally, the FlashMessenger implements both IteratorAggregate and Countable, allowing you to iterate over and count the flash messages in the current namespace within the session container.


public function processAction()
    // ... do some work ...
    $this->flashMessenger()->addMessage('You are now logged in.');
    return $this->redirect()->toRoute('user-success');

public function successAction()
    $return = ['success' => true];
    $flashMessenger = $this->flashMessenger();
    if ($flashMessenger->hasMessages()) {
        $return['messages'] = $flashMessenger->getMessages();
    return $return;